About Us

The story of FAYJADE begins when a son was looking for a birthday present for his mother's 60th birthday. Decided upon getting a piece of jadeite pendant, he was fascinated by the lustrous semi-precious stone that varies in shapes, sizes, and colours. At the same time, he realises the lack of choices and selections of the stones in the merlion city.

Brought upon by chance and luck, FAYJADE was found by the end of 2021. FAYJADE wants you to have the similar experience that the man felt. Every piece of Jadeite brings different meanings and stories for everyone. FAYJADE wants you to create your own story with us.

The word FAY was chosen from the first Chinese syllable of jadeite “翡” Fei and bear similar pronunciation to the word FAY. Coincidentally, FAY also means fairy in the late Middle English. As beautiful as a fairy, a beautiful jadeite piece can be very precious, rare, and are highly sought by many jadeite enthusiasts.

FAYJADE is a local Singapore home grown online jewellery store specialising in Jadeite also known as 翡翠 in Chinese. At FAYJADE, we sought only high-quality Grade 'A' jadeite pieces. We wish to spread our love and enthusiasm for jadeite to everyone. We guarantee the quality that you seek is what we expected too. We hope our pieces can bring happiness and joy to your life just like what it has brought to us.

Besides what you see in our online store, we are more than happy to provide personal customisation, designs, and tailor to your needs. Reach us for more information.

With Love,